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Discourse on unity and caution in Islam

Peace be upon you, may Allah have mercy on you and bless you.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today I stand before you to address an issue of utmost importance to our Ummah, the unity of Muslims and the nefarious tactics to divide us. Our strength as a community lies in our unity, and it is vital that we recognize and address the factors that make us weak.

Throughout history, the strategy of "divide and rule" has been used by various powers to control and dominate nations. This strategy is designed to prevent unity by promoting division within the populace, making it easier to maintain control over them. Unfortunately, our Ummah has not been safe from this tactic.

Distribution strategy
Historical Context:

Colonialism: Colonial powers used divide and rule to maintain control over large areas. By promoting division between different ethnic, religious, or social groups, they ensured that these groups would not unite against them.
Imperial Rule: Empires throughout history have used this tactic to organize diverse populations and prevent rebellion.
Modern examples:

Political Systems: Modern governments and political institutions sometimes use similar strategies to maintain power by creating or increasing division within the people.
Media and Propaganda: The media can sometimes be used to highlight differences and promote discord between groups.
The role of faith and worship
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of unity among Muslims. The concept of ummah or community is central to Islamic teachings, encouraging solidarity and collective responsibility. Shared religious rites and rituals foster a sense of community and collective identity. Yet, despite our shared beliefs, human societies are complex and often experience internal conflicts and power struggles.

Identification of black sheep
We must be careful to recognize those who seek to divide us. There are individuals within our community who are influenced or supported by outside forces to create division among us. These black sheep have achieved their goals of domination and domination by dividing the religion of Allah into sects. Have you ever wondered why outsiders donate or support certain scholars? These people live a life of luxury with big houses, cars and all facilities while the Ummah is suffering from chaos and disorder.

The role of external influence
External actors have used their wealth and resources to influence certain leaders in our community. Instead of promoting unity, these leaders have become agents of division. They have accepted salary or aid in various forms while leading a life of luxury at the cost of the unity of our Ummah. It is very important to understand that these actions are not without consequences. They are sinking the boat of Islam and those who accept such help are endangering not only our present but also their hereafter.

A call to action
Promoting understanding and tolerance:

Inter-Sectarian Dialogue: We should encourage dialogue and understanding between different sects within Islam to promote mutual respect and cooperation.
Education: Promoting education that highlights common values ​​and teachings can help bridge the divide.
Strong leadership:

Visionary Leaders: We need leaders who prioritize unity and inclusion, who will lead our communities to collective strength.
Community Engagement: Grassroots initiatives that involve the community in the decision-making process can help build trust and cohesion.
Remedy for external interference:

Vigilance and Resilience: We must be aware of external forces that may try to divide and weaken us, building resilience against such influences.
My dear brothers and sisters, let us remember the teachings of Islam that emphasize unity and brotherhood. Let us reject those who seek to divide us and instead work to promote understanding and cooperation in our community. Those who have accepted foreign aid to promote partition should know that there is a great punishment for them in the Hereafter. It is up to us to ensure that our actions are in accordance with the teachings of Allah and His Messenger.

May Allah give us the wisdom to recognize the forces that want to divide us and give us the courage to overcome them. May he unite our hearts and guide us to the path of unity, peace and prosperity.

May peace be upon you too and may Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you.